

That's one thing that I hate so much about capital-F Fashion: the sheer impractibility of it all. What use do I have for a sheer, floaty, sleeveless baby doll top that's cut to the navel? I wish that I did have a use for such an object, alas I do not.

But! Do my eyes deceive me? Are those ... TURTLENECKS I see on the runway? Turtlenecks in combination with other fashionable beautiful clothes?

Okay, lose the pants on the first one. It's dowdy, but I'm a little dowdy too. How about the second one? 40's chic? Love it!

"Demure, funereal," the fashionistas sigh and shake their styled heads. I'll gladly take it if it involves turtlenecks.

(Images from The Sartorialist.)


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